Club reminders/posts will be here
Membership Documents
More Coming soon
Form for Discounted Trentham Gardens Annual Pass for members
Club Rules etc
Committee Documents
Approved Minutes of Committee Meetings
TBC Committee meeting minutes August 2019
TBC Adult Risk Assessment 2019
TBC Junior Risk Assessment 2019
Incident Reporting
Please Report any incident or near miss during any activity at the club eg Capsize, injury during training, near collision, slips or trips. The incident forms are located in the Incident log in the cupboard above the sink in the boathouse. We would rather you report it or contact us if you’re not sure as its only with information of whats happening can we make the club a safer place for everyone. Thanks.
If you do discover damaged equipment please tell your coach/captain and put a notice on it to prevent it being used. These are available in the incident log folder.
You can also print from here:
First Aid

There are first aid kits located on the wall above the sink in the boathouse, on each launch and also at the front of the boathouse in the regatta safety grab boxes. There is also a sealed box of dry towels and thermal blankets at the front of the boathouse.